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Image by Thruston Benny


Who We Are

All Inclusive TT (All in) is a community-based, youth-led non-profit organization focused on youth and community engagement for mental health, anti-bullying, and LGBTQ education, support, advocacy, and change.

We advocate for needs-based, culturally sensitive, trauma-informed support, service and educational accommodations and funding to support young people achieve their full potential and future leaders.

What We Do

• Provide support for an equitable and inclusive learning and teaching environment.

• Conduct research into social justice trends affecting students and teachers.

• Empower youth to become leaders in their schools, communities, and wider society.

• Advocate for policies that protect the inalienable rights of youth irrespective of class, race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation.

About Us>

All Inclusive TT was formed to support in-school efforts at antibullying in all its forms; physical, emotional, psychological, and gender; research trends in teaching practices and learning outcomes; empower future generations of leaders through training and representation; and advocate school initiatives that encourage inclusive education practices for youth nationwide.

Designed by Jayson Jaskeran

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